Tuesday 28 December 2010

How To Keep Your New Year's Resolutions

Do you make New Year's Resolutions?  I gave up making them a few years ago thinking that if I need to change something I can do it at anytime and shouldn't have to wait for January.  But they say a change is as good as a rest so on 1st January 2011 I've decided once again to make those promises that just beg to be broken...  To give myself a fighting chance I did some research into ways to help keep those promises.

According to various sources, there are 5 qualities that a successful resolution needs to have:

Specific: The desire to change is sometimes vague. Do some research and ask some important questions such as, "What risks am I running by going along just as I have been?"

Measurable: Weigh the benefits of change. Set small goals and monitor your behavior. For example, keep a record of how much you eat, drink, spend, etc.

Attainable: Begin making small changes. For example, you might give up some TV time and redirect your energy. Tell family and friends that the leopard is about to change his spots. Make a firm commitment.

Realistic: Banish and sacrifice vices while embracing and committing to new virtues. Give yourself all the help and support you can by creating a sense of accountability to others. Encourage family and friends to prod, provoke and push you.

Maintainable: This is the challenging part. You're finished with your old habit and into your new life. It is a lot easier to maintain your resolution than it is to regain it. Do your self a monumental favor and stay focused on WHY you set this resolution in the first place!

Those who stay the course and fulfill their resolutions share these characteristics:

1. They believe in their ability to change.
2. They did not indulge in self-blame or excuse making.
3. They avoid wishful thinking and concentrate on results.
4. They understand their motivators and reasons why the resolution is important.

And just because I love lists and Top 10s here are the

Top Ten Most Common Resolutions:

1.   Enjoy life more
2.   Get fit/Start exercising
3.   Lose weight
4.   Stop smoking
5.   Find true love
6.   Cut out alcohol
7.   Save money/Get out of debt
8.   Learn something new
9.   Help others/Become a volunteer
10. Get organised

Do any of these make it onto your list? Seven out of the Top Ten apply to me!


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